Books and Writers

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Sexuality, Books On

Victoria C WOODHULL : Tried as by Fire or The True and the False Socially - An Oration
(1874 Woodhull & Claflin, NY)
Alice STOCKHAM : Karezza - Ethics of Marriage
(1897 Alice B Stockham, Chicago)

Edvard WESTERMARCK : The History of Human Marriage
(1901 Macmillan)
William THOMAS : The Unadjusted Girl
(1923 Little Brown, Boston)
Rheta Childe DORR : A Woman of Fifty
(1924 Funk & Wagnalls, NY)
Floyd DELL : Love in Greenwich Village
(1926 Doran)
Dora RUSSELL : The Right to be Happy
(1927 RKP)
Havelock ELLIS : Studies in the Psychology of Sex
(1928 Davis & Co, Phila)
Ben LINDSEY : The Companionate Marriage
(1928 Brentano's, London)
Thomas VAN DE VELDE : Ideal Marriage
(1928 Heinemann)

Robert DICKINSON & Lura BEAM : A thousand Marriages
(1932 Balliere, Tindall & Cox, London)
Mary R BEARD : America Through Women's Eyes
(1933 Macmillan NY)
Eustace CHESSER : Marriage and Freedom
(1946 Rich & Cowan)
Boris SOKOLOFF : Jealousy - A Psychological Study
(1947 Caroll & Nicholson, London)
Helena WRIGHT : More Abou t the Sex Factor in Marriage
(1947 Williams & Northgate, London)
Edmund ZIMAN : Jealousy in Children - A Guide for Parents
(1949 NY)

Hannah & Abraham STONE : A Marriage Manual
(1952 Gollancz)
Simone DE BEAUVOIR : The Second Sex
(1953 Cape)
Magnus HIRSCHFIELD : Sex in Human Relations
(1953 John Lane, London)
Alfred KINSEY : Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
(1953 Saunders)
Edmund BERGLER & William KROGER : Kinsey's Myth of Female Sexuality
(1954 Grune & Stratton, NY)
Pauline RAGE : The Story of O
(1954 Olympia Press, London)
Eustace CHESSER : The Sexual, Marital and Family Relationships of the English Woman
(1956 Hutchinson)
Kingsley DAVIS : Human Society
(1959 Macmillan NY)
Virginia WIMPERIS : The Unmarried Mother and Her Child
(1960 Allen)

Eustace CHESSER : Is Chastity Outmoded ?
(1961 Heinemann)
Michael SCHOFIELD : The Sexual behaviour of Young People
(1965 Longman)
Eustace CHESSER : Love Without Fear
(1966 Arrow Press, London)
William MASTERS & Virginia JOHNSON : Human Sexual Response
(1966 Churchill, London)
Shulamith FIRESTONE : The Dialectic of Sex
(1970 Women's Press, London) (1979)
Herbert MARCUSE : Eros and Civilization
(1970 Sphere, London)

Marguerite & Willard BEECHER : The Mark of Cain - An Anatomy of Jealousy
(1971 NY)
William O'NEILL : Everyone was Brave - The Rise and Fall of Feminism in America
(1971 Quadrangle, Chicago)
(Ed) Gerda LERNER : Black Women in White America - A Documentary History
(1972 Pantheon NY)
De MARTIN & Phyllis LYON : Lesbian Women
(1972 Batnam, NY)
Michael PEARSON : The Age of Consent - Victorian Prostitution and Its Enemies
(1972 David & Charles)
William O'NEILL : Divorce in the Progressive Era
(1973 Franklin Watts, NY)
Michael SCHOFIELD : The Sexual Behaviour of Young Adults
(1973 Allen Lane)
Lee COMER : Conditions of Illusion
(1974 Feminist Books, Leeds)
Juliet MITCHELL : Psychoanalysis and Feminism
(1974 Allen Lane)
Susan BROWNMILLER : Against Our Will - Men, Women and Rape
(1975 Simon & Schuster NY)
Fay WELDON : Female Friends
(1975 Heinemann)

Linda GORDON : Woman's Body, Woman's Right - A Social History of Birth Control in America
(1976 Penguin, NY)
Jonathan KATZ : Gay American History
(1976 Crowell, NY)
R WILMOTT & M YOUNG : The Symmetrical Family
(1976 Penguin)
Dorothy DINNERSTEIN : The Mermaid & the Minotaur - Sexual Arrangements and Human
(1977 Harper & Row)
Sigmund FREUD : On Sexuality
(1977 Penguin)
Ruth ROSEN : The Maimie Papers
(1977 Virago)
Hal D SEARS : The Sex Radicals - Free Love in High Victorian America
(1977 Regents Press of Kansas)
Barbara BERG : The Remembered Gate - Origins of American Feminism
(1978 OUP, NY)
Nancy CHODOROW : The Reproduction of Mothering
(1978 Univ of California Press, London)
Christine FARRELL : My Mother Said
(1978 RKP)
(Ed) Ruth HALL : Dear Dr Stopes - Sex in the 1920's (1978 Penguin, NY)
Angus MacLAREN :Birth Control in the 19thC
(1978 Croom Helm, London)
Barbara PONSE : Identities in the Lesbian World - The Social Construction of Self
(1978 Greenwood Press, Conn)
James REED : From Private Vice to Public Virtue
(1978 Basic Books, NY)
(Eds) B SMART & C SMART : Women, Sexuality & Social Control (1978 RKP)

Sheila ROWBOTHAM, Lynne SEGAL & Hilary WAINWRIGHT : Beyond the Fragments
(1979 Merlin Press, London)
Taylor STOEHR : Free Love in America - A Documentary History
(1979 AMS Press, NY)
Michele BARRETT : Women's Oppression Today - Problems in Marxist Feminist Analysis
(1980 Verso & New Left Books)
Carl DEGLER : At Odds - Women and the Family in America from the Revolution to the Present
(1980 OUP, NY)
Diana LEONARD : Sex and Generation
(1980 Tavistock)
Judith R WALKOWITZ : Prostitution and Victorian Society - Women, Class and the State
(1980 CUP)
(Ed) Michelene WANDOR : Strike While the Iron is Hot (1980 Journeyman Press, London)
Elizabeth WILSON : Only Halfway to Paradise
(1980 Tavistock)

Ruth BORDIN : Woman and Temperance - The Quest for Power & Liberty 1873-1900
(1981 Temple UP, Phila)
Andrea DWORKIN : Pornography - Men Possessing Women
(1981 Women's Press, London)
Carol DYHOUSE : Girls Growing Up in Late Victorian & Edwardian England
(1981 RKP)
Lillian S FADERMAN : Surpassing the Love of Men - Romantic Friendship & Love
Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present
(1981 Morrow NY)
William LEACH : True Love and Perfect Union - Feminist Reform of Sex and Society
(1981 Basic Books, NY)
LEEDS REVOLUTIONARY FEMINIST GROUP : Love Your Enemy ? - The Debate between
Heterosexual Feminism and Political Lesbianism
(1981 Onlywomen Press, London)
Mary MARSH : Anarchist Women 1870-1920
(1981 Temple UP)
Jeffrey WEEKS : Sex, Politics and Society - The Regulation of Sexuality Since 1808
(1981 Longmans)
Rosalind ROSENBERG : Beyond Separate Spheres - Intellectual Roots of Modern Feminism
(1982 Yale UP)
Elizabeth WILSON : Mirror Writing
(1982 Virago)

1983 Onwards
SNITOW, STANSELL & THOMPSON : The Politics of Sexuality
(1983 Virago)
Barbara TAYLOR : Eve and the New Jerusalem
(1983 Virago)
Beatrix CAMPBELL : Wigan Pier Revisited - Poverty and Politics in the '80's
(1984 Virago)
(Eds) KANTER, LEFANU, SHAH & SPEDDING : Sweeping Statements - Writings from
the Women's Liberation Movement 1981-83
(1984 Women's Press)
(Ed) Carol VANCE : Pleasure and Danger - Exploring Female Sexuality (1984 RKP)
(Ed) Varda BURSTYN : Women Against Censorship (1985 Douglass & McIntyre, Canada)
Jeffrey WEEKS : Sexuality and Its Discontents - Meanings, Myths and Modern Sexuality
(1985 RKP)
Julie Peakman : Lascivious Bodies - A Sexual History of the 18thC
(2004 Atlantic Books £16.99)